Home > Moneydance or Yodlee? (financial software revisited)

Moneydance or Yodlee? (financial software revisited)

January 14th, 2008 at 11:06 am

I want to get back to logging expenses with software. I am intrigued by the online one provided by and, but for some reason it scares me to have to provide bank account login info. But I guess you have to do that to connect with any software, so maybe it comes down to company trust? For better or worse you sort of have to trust Microsoft and Intuit, but Yodlee is pretty unknown, to me anyway. Any experience out there?

If I don't go the web based route, I like Moneydance since I have both a Windows and Linux PC, plus I can download the trial version first to give it a try before buying.

Oops, I see I should have searched the forums first, Yodlee turns up quite a few hits. So you can assume I will read them all in any answer. Smile But at first blush it looks ok since many major banks use their service.

OK, my initial experience with Moneydance is not too good. I have multiple accounts with the Credit Union and it is only seeing the one account, even when I never typed its number in, only the number of the other account.

And the Yodlee/Mint preview demos look very good, but I'm still nervous about putting all my info on one web site. Maybe I will just look for a good sale on Quicken after all.

3 Responses to “Moneydance or Yodlee? (financial software revisited)”

  1. CK Says:

    what about manageME and quicken. i have also bookmark quicken and the new upcoming version

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