2009 Yearly Goals
1. Develop and maintain a sustainable budget. C2. New timing belt, ~$700, due about October. A
3. Pay down debt substantially. C+
4. Maintain FICO through credit crunch for student loans. B
Progress report 4/20/09
1. Some progress.
2. Done early due to water pump and radiator failure.
3. Working, but thinking of saving some available cash for college payments. Need to keep up cost saving pressure.
4. Hard to gage now that I don't get free monthly FICO updates from my Wamu CC since Chase took it over. But paying maybe 20% more than minimum on every CC payment.
Progress report 5/2/09
1. Some progress, need to get back at it and look at Quicken much more often.
2. Done - water pump failed, so done early, as well as replaced rotted old 14 year old radiator. $900 total cost.
3. Paying slowly so as not to kill cash reserves that might be needed for college in lieu of yet another loan.
4. Flying blind with no current means of FICO monitoring, but I am paying the CC bills early and about 20-50% more than the minimum.
Progress report 6/8/09
1. Fair, but need to pay down debt more quickly.
2. Done
3. Fair.
4. Should get a credit report and consider paying the extra for credit score.
Progress report 8/2/09
1. Cut to the bone.
2. Done.
3. Fair, but need to refinance ahigh onterest debt nd get more serious about paying it off.
4. Should get a credit report and consider paying the extra for credit score.
Progress report 9/16/09
1. Expenses flaring up big time. Slacking with reviewing Quicken periodically.
2. Done.
3. Was doing good, but interest and new expenses, msotly auto and college are sinking me.
4. Failed miserably. Need to fix.
Progress report 12/13/09
1. Oh man, Christmas. Not sure where I stand but it ain't good.
2. Cars all in good shape and good for a while now.
3. I'm just keeping my head barely above water. An expensive SAT prep course didn't pay off too well.
4. After I cleared my credit report, got the other two and they are fine. Paid the extra $9 for the FICO score, and it's still looking good. Will be excellent should I ever get this debt paid down.
Final results, 1/10/10
1. Good progress, but need to go way further, cutting into the comfort zone.
2. Cars in great shape, but another timing belt due in about 6 months.

3. Doing maybe 25% above minimum payments, but interest is a major problem - need to refinance high interest CCs.
4. A major success in the face of a disaster. Got a negative item from a stupid HMO medical billing fiasco removed, but only after it costs me hundred in extra interest.
January 2009 Goals
February 2009 Goals
March 2009 Goals
April 2009 Goals
May 2009 Goals
June 2009 Goals
July 2009 Goals
August 2009 Goals
September-November 2009 Goals
December 2009 Goals