Home > Paying for Christmas Past, Present, and Future - a Christmas Carol

Paying for Christmas Past, Present, and Future - a Christmas Carol

January 8th, 2009 at 11:08 pm

It has gotten to the point where I hate to see the holidays coming because it means going deeper into debt every year. So I can't set aside money to pay for Christmas Future because I am still paying for Christmas Past and Present. And I can see it in my FICO score, which has a seasonal pattern, dipping around the holidays, recovering slowly throughout the year, and then repeating the cycle by dropping sharply at year end again.

I think we have done marginally better thus year, but it's still bad. OK, I guess I'm done venting, I just wanted to get in that part about how still paying for Christmas Past is no fun. Smile

2 Responses to “Paying for Christmas Past, Present, and Future - a Christmas Carol”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I agree. I have no debt from Christmas but when I added up my Christmas spending I was stunned at the amount spent! Way too much!

  2. Amber Says:

    I have cut back on holiday gifts for the last few years, this year mom didn't even get a gift. I just can't afford it any more and I am not going in the hole either

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