I admit it - email and postal mail have had me overwhelmed for far too long. The problems are remarkably similar. A constant steady flow pours in, and I always left it in the inbox, while attempting to pull out and deal with the important stuff. Slack off a few days though...
So there mixed with spam and junk mail in an ever expanding mountain lay very important notices about important financial matters with close deadlines.
At work I have been quite happy with keeping a clean inbox for about a week now. I have read David Allen's Getting Things Done book quite a few times now, and probably one of the most important things he says is to trust your filing system enough to depend on it, and the only way that happens is with regular reviews. To that end, there is a very nice program for my Linux PC called Tomboy Notes. It is hyper text based so it is pretty easy to review. I have had a huge Word file at work for years now where I keep notes on day to day things in as organized fashion as I know how. So when I use it, I review it. So I hope to do the same at home with Tomboy Notes now.
Anyway, thanks for listening. I like to document things as I go along, since it helps me think. Of course it MAY also be a form of procrastination, eh?
I'm TRYING to get more organized!
January 30th, 2010 at 09:30 pm
January 31st, 2010 at 02:50 pm 1264949456
My technique for dealing with junk snail mail at home is decidedly low-tech: Get the mail, sort the mail standing next to the recycling can in the garage (junk mail goes straight in the can unopened, except for anything like cc offers where the part that needs to be shredded gets carried inside and set on top of the shredder for some "batch shredding."
Where I really need work is dealing w/ junk Email. I tend to save too much in my inbox to "read later." Perhaps I need to imagine myself standing in the garage as I look at my Email and be just as ruthless???
February 1st, 2010 at 03:47 am 1264996030