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My tax refund was FINALLY credited to my acccount!

June 17th, 2010 at 12:23 am

This is a new record, mid-June. I made an incredibly small omission on my Schedule A when I submitted it in mid-February, and I didn't get a letter about a problem until about April 15. I promptly mailed the small correction, and received my refund 8 weeks later. The (*&%%% government got some pretty good use out of my money for about 2 extra months! And it was pretty substantial due to college tax credits. OK, next year, maybe I better have someone else look it over first!

There is No Doubt on what category to file this one under!

4 Responses to “My tax refund was FINALLY credited to my acccount!”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I am still waiting for my amendment to be credited to my account.

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Glad to hear it finally came!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Didn't you get interest? When I've gotten my money after April 15, there's usually a small amount of interest added. (Just as, when I've had to send a revision that makes me owe money, they charge me a small amount of interest.)

  4. Ralph Says:

    ceejay, it hurts me to admit that I can't even locate a copy to see if they did pay interest. I suck at the small details of doing taxes!

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